

The bank guarantee is a type of surety that is granted by the bank to guarantee the payment of a certain sum towards the creditor.
In the event of non-fulfillment of the commitment made with the creditor, the bank will take on the debt and then take recourse against the debtor company.

garanzie bancarie

We offer a professional and specialized consultancy service, with a consultant who will follow you step by step, until the solution that best suits your case is reached. For every situation and need, there is the most appropriate form of bank guarantee.

garanzie bancarie - garanzia di pagamento

Payment guarantee

Guarantees covering a supply contract for the sale or tranfer of contracts to be made between private individuals.

garanzie bancarie - lettera di credito

of credit

A form of secure payment used for the international market, where the bank guarantees all phases of the transaction.

garanzie bancarie


Guarantees for the correct use of advances and subsequent economic deposits for procurement contracts in progress.

garanzie bancarie -

Advanced payment bond

Guarantees for the correct use of advances and subsequent economic deposits for procurement contracts in progress.

garanzie bancarie - performance bond

Performance bond

Guarantees for the good execution of an awarded and ready for signature Contract or Tender.

Contact us for more information

Robel Credit